
My Published Writing

Here is where you will see what I have written on my own or in collaboration with colleagues and friends in the industry.

Chapter contribution on ancient Balinese decentralized monetary system

Publication Date: 2013 Publisher: Berrett-Koehler

Publication Description:
In this visionary book, Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne explore the origins of our current monetary system—built on bank debt and scarcity—revealing the surprising and sometimes shocking ways its unconscious limitations give rise to so many serious problems. But there is hope. The authors present stories of ordinary people and their communities using new money, working in cooperation with national currencies, to strengthen local economies, create work, beautify cities, and provide education—and so much more is possible. These real-world examples are just the tip of the iceberg—over 4,000 cooperative currencies are already in existence.

See Publication

Chapter contribution on ancient Balinese decentralized monetary system

Publication Date: 2011 Publisher: Qiterra Press

Publication Description:
So write Bernard Lietaer and Stephen Belgin, authors of the much-anticipated book New Money for a New World. Mr. Lietaer is a principal architect of the euro and author of the acclaimed international best-seller The Future of Money, which has been translated into sixteen languages. Mr. Belgin is the founder and President of Qiterra Press, a publishing company dedicated to life-affirming works that improve the human condition.
New Money for a New World examines a previously unexamined culprit for the many issues we face today — the monopoly of our centuries-old monetary system. This book provides many ways and means that are readily available to stop the current juggernaut towards global self-destruction. Many of the solutions offered within this book are more than theory. Communities from around the world have successfully addressed a myriad of issues without the need to raise taxes, redistribute wealth, or depend upon enlightened self-interest from corporate entities. Rather, the improvements were realized simply and effectively by rethinking money.

See Publication

Community Exchanges Build Solidarity

Publication Date: 2010 Publisher: Permaculture Activist magazine

Uang Kepeng (Chinese Money)

Publication Date: 2010 Publisher: The Bud Magazine

Publication Description:
Uang Kepeng also helped protect Balinese culture from the intrusive effects of foreign money, whether through trade or tourism. People could choose to participate in both economies, rather than being forced to choose between them.

See Publication

Book Review: David Akin and Joel Robbins (eds) (1999) Money and Modernity: State and Local Currencies in Melanesia

Publication Date: 2009 Publisher: International Journal of Complementary Currency Research

See Publication

Les Systèmes de Monnaie Complémentaire : des pratiques anciennes à une réponse moderne au problème de l’exclusion

Publication Date: 2006 Publisher: Economica Publishers, Paris

Publication Description:
Exclusion et Liens Financiers : Monnaies Sociales. University of Lyon, Centre Walras.

The Process of Producing Tabu – Traditional Shell Currency, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea

Publication Date: 2006 Publisher: Der Primitivegeldsammler, Issue 27

Sustaining Cultural Vitality in a Globalizing World: The Balinese Example

Publication Date: 2003 Publisher: International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 30, Issue 9

Publication Description:
Co-author with Bernard Lietaer.

On the Doole - Dakar's community exchange system strengthens the local economy and helps the people who need it most

Publication Date: 2001 Publisher: Alternatives Magazine

Reinventing the Market: Alternative Currencies & Community Development in Argentina

Publication Date: 2000 Publisher: International Journal of Community Currency Research

Off the Hook: How Local Currency and Microcredit Systems Work

Publication Date: 1998 Publisher: New Internationalist magazine

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I consider attending events where demonstrated efforts are made for gender-balance and have an anti-harrassment policy, as well as achieving a range of mutual outcomes from the event overall and from my participation in it.